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How to write a dating profile that catches the eye

Top tips to make your profile stand out from the crowd

When it comes to successful online dating, one big secret is a great dating profile. But, what makes it unique and eye-catching? How can your profile stand out from the rest? Of course, you know what profiles turn you off and those that make you think and smile, but every person’s taste and preference are different. While compelling photos attract attention, people who are looking for a real relationship search beyond a pretty or handsome face. For one, it is not your career that really matters or your educational background. There are generic profiles that don’t say much or tell the wrong things that can be overlooked by other users. It would be easy if everyone magically sees the real you and how loving and fascinating you are in real life, but unfortunately, that’s not how online dating actually works.

According to statistics, online dating accounts for one in every six marriages and one in five new relationships. However, with the number of potential dates communicating on date apps and websites, it is easy to get overwhelmed and confused. On one of the world’s biggest dating site, the, more than one million British singles are trying their luck, so you have to get it right the first time by making your dating profile genuine yet appealing. From the angle and size of your photo to mentioning your favorite pastime and characteristics, there are helpful tips you need to know based on facts and experience to land a successful date. Let’s explore the best ways to write a great dating profile that catches the eye!

First Impression at a Glance
While you may want to stay anonymous, using photos make your profile more interesting. Dating profiles with photos or gravatar receive more responses than empty ones. Based on studies, the most successful images are taken using SLR cameras, not smartphones, taken in daylight, and a solo picture, not in a group. Wintery shots receive less demand than summery photos! Now that you know the value of profile pics, let’s get more into the details.

If you are a female, look at the camera because women who look away into the camera receive fewer responses as compared to those who look to the camera directly in their profile photos. It would be nice to include a picture while you’re engaged in your favorite hobby or an exciting activity such as playing a musical instrument or visiting a beautiful destination. These action photos are great conversation starters, and they can break the ice quickly. Never use a photo that was taken with a flash because it will age your face by five to seven years. Don’t include pictures with alcohol around, vaping or smoking, group shots, or a hastily edited photo with your ex. Avoid unmet expectations because they usually lead to failed first dates by updating anything beyond twelve months, so never use an old picture on your profile.

Best Profile Snapshot
When writing your profile, start with something brief and upbeat. Too long or too deep a profile is tedious to read and seems like you’re applying for a job vacancy. Just imagine yourself talking to someone you just met in a bar. So, how do you describe yourself?

It is nice to give a snapshot of your lifestyle and the relationship you’re currently seeking. You can start by describing your positive and most prominent character traits. Are you outgoing, funny, loyal, creative, or affectionate? Write three adjectives that best represent who you are. You may ask a friend to help you become aware of the other characteristics that are unknown to you. In traits systems and theories, traits are dimensions, and each person is rated somewhere the extraversion and introversion spectrum.

Remember that your profile is not a resume, so do not use the crutch to describe your job. Instead, include what you care about and your passion. Do you care most about helping others, writing poems, or composing songs? Do you care about rescuing stray animals or winning a surfing competition? If you care about nature trips, acquiring new skills, and learning new languages, then say it proud and loud! The right person thinks that’s awesome. If you want to enter a relationship, then say it, don’t downplay your desire to be in a serious relationship. It is a mortal sin mentioning your ex in your profile because it only suggests that you’re not yet ready for a new relationship, and more likely just seeking a rebound. Be true to your profile and use the drop-down menu to indicate if you are divorced or separated with children.

Give your online dating profile a headline that will make it distinctive. Intriguing headlines may include the lyrics of your favorite song that best describes your attitude and personality. Make it on point and straightforward. A compelling headline is honest and captures your passion and interests. Online dating is not a venue to shop, so avoid writing a shopping list. “I’m just looking for a romantic, intelligent, loyal, funny, and a tall decent-looking man.” This is dull to read and very daunting. Instead, you can write a request for a company such as, “I would love to meet a person with whom I can explore unusual destinations with?” or “Gardening alone is quite a routine. Join me?”. Don’t hesitate to upload a brief profile with several nice photos because you can always update and tweak things later if it seems not working out, which also keeps you active online that leads to more matches.

Power of Words
In a recent study, it showed that words like “yoga,” “skiing,” and “the ocean” help a lot of men get real dates. On the other hand, “sweet,” “dance,” and “running” help many women get dates online. Also, “electronics,” surprisingly works well for both sexes. Liking Pulp Fiction, The Great Gatsby, Radiohead, and Homeland, are very effective date words too.

Best Words to Use to Get a Date

Both Sexes Men Women
Yoga, , Athletic, Dog, Surf, Ambitious, Comedy, Explore, Family, Volunteering Confidence, Skiing, Females, Laughing, Easy-going, Dance, Running,

Who Do You Want to Meet
When indicating the person you want to meet, focus on the character and not the specific characteristics. It’s totally fine to say who you want to date without sounding too specific, and never make a list of your ideal partner’s body type, height, education, hobbies, and interests. Prioritizing character means putting a higher bearing on the values of a person which resonate well with like-minded people. Focusing on characteristics may sound rigid, superficial, or overly choosy, which is a total turn off! For instance, instead of specifying the character of your ideal date as “having a fit body,” state the character trait as “active” which is an outcome or “values health and fitness” as a way of life.

Show and Tell
When you’re writing about who you are and how you’re living your life, show the readers what those look like in action. Remember that you’re trying to attract your best match, so you need to be more specific. For instance, many people say they like “traveling” in their profiles. The term “Travel” is too general, and it could mean hiking the Emerald Lake Trail, a trip to Disneyland, a Carribean cruise, or a safari adventure in Kenya. Never assume that the reader will know which of these that you’re into!

Don’t hesitate to talk about your dream vacation, favorite travel destinations, or your best trip ever. The person who does the same things and loves your kind of travel will surely be intrigued and will take note! Own every activity you enjoy, so write “I love playing volleyball!” instead of “I love to play volleyball.”. When you’re in love, do you stood by him on his down moments? Are you a good cheerleader of your partner’s success? Have you ever stood by a friend’s losing a pet or a loved one? Look at your life as the best examples!

What’s Your Story
Your profile should tell a story about yourself, capturing your personality, but it should not be a novel. Your photos, description of yourself, and all the answers to the personality survey or questionnaire make up your story. It can be a story of an ambitious traveler, a demanding perfectionist, a conservative geek, or a sincere introvert. Ask yourself, “What story does my profile tells?”. Be objective and highlight your best qualities because you aim to grab the eyes and the attention of the right people. A winning profile expresses what is both unique and appealing to you and to the person you want to date.

Be Optimistic
Being pessimistic is not sexy! Besides, who wants a bitter and narcissistic date or partner? Be cautious using negative terms because they may just bounce back to you. It leaves an impression that you’re the opposite of what you say. If you indicate, “No drama queens allowed!”, you’re like saying, “I’ve been into a lot of dramas in my life and not wanting to add another chapter to it.”. Focusing on attracting the right people is better than actually repelling the wrong ones. Avoid sarcasm because it translates well in an online dating profile, most especially for a woman. Only a few men are drawn to women who lead with sarcasm.

Characteristics of a Great Dating Profile
1. Sincere. You’re not a robot or a guinea pig, so your profile should reflect your personality and not someone else you want to be. It should be real but not too overly dramatic. Never pretend to be someone else; otherwise, you’ll end up with the wrong person.

2. Use some humor. Just a little bit of fun will take you a long way. Incorporate titles or jokes in your ‘About Me’ section but not too overly depreciative of yourself. This will make your profile less stiff, and the interested readers will feel more comfortable contacting you.

3. Do not use clinches. Write your profile in a unique way. It is best to do it on your day off from work so you can concentrate on the most important details of your profile.

4. Be clear. State what you’re looking for.

5. Call to Action. Invite users to get to know you more such as “I enjoy snorkeling, surfing, and other water adventures, so you probably want to join me in Miami this year!”.

Oops! Spellcheck
Checking your spelling and grammar should be done at all times. While many people can be forgiving with typos, you do not want to risk possibly turning off the right person just because you missed doing a spellcheck. Make an effort to write your online dating profile with care and thoughtfulness because this will surely be appreciated. It shows that you’re serious enough about your real intentions and you are more credible than other users with profiles having a lot of misspelled words and inappropriate emojis.

Use Appropriate Emoticons
In the Edmonton Journal, an article was published concluding that people who are using many emojis in their online dating profiles are perceived by users as less intelligent. In the experiment, seven types of profiles were evaluated, wherein one profile has no emojis and another filled with emojis. For the rest of the profiles, emojis were randomly or sparingly used to replace words. There were more than 600 participants who rated the profiles according to their level of interest to possibly date the person and level of intelligence. Also, Clover offers an app that shows the responses of men and women based from the emojis used in their reactions, involving in-depth analysis of 3 million online dating app users worldwide.

How to write a dating profile that catches the eye 1
How to write a dating profile that catches the eye 2
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In a study conducted at the University of Chicago, marriages that started online are 25% more likely to last as compared to marriages that began in more traditional ways. If you have a better profile, you’ll reap better results. Don’t rush writing your profile because it is the foundation of your date search and your future relationship. There are no magic tricks involved in finding success in online dating, but there are effective ways to showcase your best character traits and catch the attention of prospective best matches.

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