If you have a dating industry background, dating advice expertise or any well-regarded writing experience about the dating site sector we would love to hear from you.
We are also looking for entertaining true stories, insightful dating advice articles, and insightful reader dating site reviews. We can’t guarantee we will use any material sent in, so please, do bear that in mind. You might want to contact us to run your ideas through us first before doing any hard graft.
We are reasonably flexible as you might have a brilliant idea for an article that we would never think of, however, here are some firm guidelines to help you:-
You can submit material to netreviews@ aol.com (no spaces) or through our contact us form. We don’t open any attachments so kindly submit any article by pasting in the body of the email. Please provide a short bio of the author and include a photo as well. You can include a single link to your website, blog or social media. The link does need to be associated with dating and relationships or relevant to your article.
We can’t except links to dating sites or what we would deem spam site links. No affiliate links. No adult content or casual website reviews. We can, of course, include a link to your blog.
Articles should be more than 2000 words.
Some general ideas
Useful ‘how to’ dating related articles.
List articles – such as just, for example, 25 ideas for a first date.
Opinion articles relevant to the dating sector.
Life lessons from dating site experiences
Dating & relationships articles in general
Dating site successes and disasters.
Articles with a lighter touch – for example, we will be doing reviews on weird and wonderful niche dating sites such as ClownDating and TrumpDating. The latter follows the former strictly for alphabetical reasons of course!
Writing Style
We prefer a conversational style. Please use subheadings that break-up the content up. Preferably with paragraphs no longer than three or four sentences. We prefer narrative stories that demonstrate your point or perspective. We like to connect with our readership rather than lecture.
Kindly verify any claims with reputable sources via relevant links.
No duplicate content.
All submissions should be original content and, if published on this site, cannot be published elsewhere unless permission is granted. Submissions represent an agreement allowing Net reviews Ltd to publish on DatingSiteReviews.com and any sister sites. We will give credit to the article writer so you can see your name in print or, more accurately, pixels.